Willkommen bei classen-tm.com!
contact: Dipl.-Ing. Albert Classen, the cell phone number is 0049 171 63 26 416.
If you intent to invest in a complete textile factory or in a new section of textile production , please feel free to contact us. If you intent to sell your Installation we would be interested to assist.
you can reach Dipl.-Ing. Albert Classen on his cell phone, the number is 0049 171 63 26 416
our special offer right now:
21 Shima Seiki knitting machines
13 mcs Type N SES 122-S in 14 gg
2 mcs SES122 S in 5gg
and 4 mcs SES122 S in 8gg
The mcs are in our warehouse near Düsseldorf airport and can be inspected together with us.
The following link shows photos of the different machines:
6 Güsken GMV 90 looms , weaving high pile fabrics up 40 mm (!) pile height, to produce paint roller fabrics or cleaning articles as well as artificial furs.
2 van de Wiele VMM 32 velvet machines with Stäubli Jacquards, in running condition, fully equipped, with gantry and creels.
our activities: www.classen-tm.com/pdfgirmes/Classen.pdf